Porch Swing Orchestra is an art project that pairs music recorded outside with images made on-site. Performed and recorded at home and away, solo and with others. Our orchestra is comprised of birds, guitars, artists, poets, and passing cars that spontaneously create ephemeral symphonic chance-inspired compositions.

The original site and hub for all things PSO can be found at porchswingorchestra.org

Why subscribe?

PSO features a new original recording and image piece bi-weekly. Each new piece displaces the last. Free of the tyranny of asynchronous algorithms, you will always be in the know when the next PSO drops before it disappears.

Plus you can easily keep track of new PSO releases and live events from your inbox.


Each newsletter features a section highlighting something interesting to read, listen to, or view. This is exclusive content to the newsletter.

No Tricks and Built-in Secret Archive

New pieces on Porchswingorchestra.org displace the old, so they are here today and gone tomorrow. The newsletter however embeds the audio and the image creating an erasatz PSO archive on the down-low.

While there are extras like T-shirts, and merch for paid supporters, the content of the newsletter is free. The archive is available for a year for free subscribers.

Support Artists!

You can enjoy full access to the newsletter free as a gift, or please consider a paid subscription. Proceeds will help maintain this endeavor and fund the creation of new PSO media (LPs, cassettes), produce events, support collaborators, and add new features to the website. Thanks for your consideration!

Subscribe to Porch Swing Orchestra

PSO is an art project that pairs music recorded outside with photographs made on-site. Performed and recorded at home and away, solo and with others – birds, guitars, and passing cars conspire to form ephemeral spontaneous compositions.


Artist represented by Klaus von Nichtssaggend, Porch Swing Orchestra conductor, Sunset Commission publisher CEO, and Mountains in Stars maestro.