Gregory brought his ukelele to the porch on the evening of the 26th. We recorded a few tunes, but this one felt the most open. We are tuned in an open C chord (FACGCE), a tuning I learned from Loren of miss and Ultra Bloom. Loren used this tuning for PSO no. 208 in the spring of 2023.
Gregory is also no stranger to PSO. He played stand-up bass on PSO no.15. This is a backyard version of a Mountains in Stars song we recorded at his place back in 2018! The picture features the Weisz/Brooks family super dog, Charlie.
PSO is about making things with and for friends. It’s about sharing a sip of time and a breath of color made in collaboration with the world's chaos. PSO has been a healing place for me and it is such a privilege to share these pieces with you. Thanks for being game for this unfolding experiment.
At the beginning of 2024, PSO curated a showcase of 8 artists over two weekends at Co-Lab Projects, and in the fall we played a special show commissioned and created for the French Legation in Austin, all while publishing lots of new pieces, podcasts, and newsletters along the way.
In this spirit, I want to keep expanding PSO’s explorations of images and sounds with friends and friends to be.
Let’s make something together.
I love to collaborate, remotely or in person, but if you have a piece you would like to feature on PSO (without contributions by me), by all means, please reach out!
Just reply to this email, or contact me at info@porchswingorchestra.org expressing your interest or ideas.
Happy New Year and thanks for Listening + Looking.